

This is usually where you’ll find me. A black screen, and some text. Stories really, written by VMware. Either learning something new, or improving my understanding. Sometimes by coincidence, e.g. by just glancing at my (previously) killer home office setup with 6 ESXi-babies telling me stories, or going deep into a#troubleshooting session.


ESXi 8 specific

# errors
tail -fv /var/log/*.log|grep "Er("
grep -Hinr "2023-09-26T15.*Er(" /var/log/*.log
# warnings
tail -fv /var/log/*.log|grep "Wa("
grep -Hinr "2023-09-26T15.*Wa(" /var/log/*.log
# exclude info, logname and blank lines
tail -fv /var/log/*.log|egrep -ve '(In\(|^==>|^\s*$)'


ClusterElection::StartupStateFunc: I'm better than host host-122
ClusterElection::StartupStateFunc: Found better goodness host host-26
ClusterElection::StartupStateFunc: I'm better than host host-23
ClusterElection::StartupStateFunc: I'm better than host host-122
ClusterElection::StartupStateFunc: Found better goodness host host-26
ClusterElection::StartupStateFunc: I'm better than host host-23
ClusterElection::StartupStateFunc: I'm better than host host-23
ClusterElection::StartupStateFunc: I'm better than host host-122
ClusterElection::StartupStateFunc: Found better goodness host host-26

Goodies usually found in /var/log/vmkernel.log (unless you change the scratch partition; if so, scratch that)